I was told that Runescape was offering 60% of players. The entire game can be viewed as one globe. While a mass as large as that of RS gold the Americas is accessible free of charge Members can also play other continents. The free-to-play game includes 25 quests, while the version for members includes 150. So yes it is substantially more extensive from that point of view.
What is your plan for expansion to consoles progressing? did our own research before we spoke to platform holders which obviously saves time.
We have working prototypes for certain of our products and different parts of our games are available on various platforms. What we choose to go with is another question entirely; do we install this MMO on this console, do we place the entire collection on a different console These are just a few of the questions that we have to think about.
We're primarily a game studio and technology company. Of our 400 staff, about 250 are technical and that's because we build our own tools to meet everything we require. We also engage in research and development. Our challenge was to create a software package which would use our program from 360, Wii, or PS3 and output it to an C# program.
This was actually one of my primary goals as I started at Jagex. We realized that we could put our code onto consoles. Technically, it's possible. But what do the platform owners think about the free-to use model? That's a good point. This is the area where we're having problems currently and these are the issues we're discussing with platform holders.
My aim is to create an entirely free game for every console available, where we preserve the current model of free-to-play. I think this is where the industry should be headed, but I don't think that's where they want it to go, given that everything on WiiWare, PSN and XBLA comes with a cost attached to it in some form.
I believe that free-to play games will be charged at a minimal fee. This means you must pay for the download the game, and if desired, you can purchase the premium version. This is the thought at the moment, though things are very much uncertain. But, I'll be contacting these businesses to let them know of my preference and buy RuneScape gold tell them to keep up with the latest trends and offer free games if they wish to be competitive in this market.