Unfortunately, your site isn’t ready to show ads at this time, there are issues that need fixing before your site is ready to show ads.’

If you own a website and trying hard to get Google AdSense approval then you would surely know the above line, which you might have got after applying for Google AdSense, right. Guys, when you receive this message from Google, it is almost heart-breaking news for you and for me also. There is no doubt that we all do hard work to make the website user-friendly, mobile-friendly, and search engine friendly. Nevertheless, we receive this burning message from Google. So, what is the issue Google talk

Top 7 reasons why Google AdSense is not approving your blog  - Online Learning

Top 7 reasons why Google AdSense is not approving your blog - Online Learning

Google AdSense, reasons why Google AdSense not approving your website, Boost blog traffic, quality content, AdSense policy
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