What can go wrong with your trampoline?

Trampoline jumping is one of the most popular outdoor activities. If you have a trampoline in your garden, you know what we're talking about! However, there are several factors that contribute to the wear and tear of your trampoline and that can be detrimental to your enjoyment. So l


1. Broken frames
The frame is the strongest part of your trampoline. It must be made of galvanized steel and have a strong load capacity. The most common cause of damage is rust, so make sure your frame is stainless and strong enough to withstand the intensity of the daily trampoline.

If your frame is broken, even the highest quality springs and a high-quality jumping pad will not help. A broken frame means an unusable trampoline, so you don't have to jump on it until you have repaired or replaced it.

You can avoid this problem by purchasing a trampoline made of high quality and certified materials, just like any Acrobat trampoline. What could be wrong with your trampoline - PIC01

It guarantees reliable mechanical strength and corrosion resistance - even in areas with a high level of salinity.

To prevent damage to your frame, you must carefully follow the instructions for use. It is very important to know the load capacity of your trampoline.


2. Damaged resources
Springs are one of the most important parts of a trampoline because they have a great rebound effect. When bouncing, stretch and close the springs so that they can easily be damaged, lost or broken. When springs are exposed to water, they are usually waterlogged. Rusty springs reduce the jump of your trampoline and cause unpleasant sounds that you hear when jumping.

However, the sources of home-made trampolines from the renowned trampoline manufacturer Acrobat are almost indestructible. The innovative jumping system is made by Acrobat and is extremely robust. It offers long-lasting elasticity, quiet operation and a stronger shock experience with minimal impact on the body.


Torn jumping mat

Spring mats are important to withstand high pressures because they carry most of the weight. This is the only part of the trampoline that has direct contact with the user. Spring mats can be made of different materials, but polypropylene is often used. If the spring washer is made of poor quality materials, it will not withstand high pressure well. The result is a small tear at the beginning that grows, maybe not good anymore.

However, the acrobatic spring pad has a long service life and is more diverse. This is due to high quality UV materials and weather resistance, withstands sharp temperature changes and provides the highest mechanical strength. What could be wrong with your trampoline - PIC03


The spring washer is usually damaged or torn in the area where the spring washer is attached to the ring that holds the spring. This means that the selection of sewing threads is also very important; the yarn itself must also be weatherproof and have good load-bearing capacity. Acrobat uses extremely durable sewing thread from the US, which is also used by the military. Once the rings are sewn to the spring pad, 8-row stitching is used for maximum safety and maximum tear resistance. Find out more about: Trampoline maintenance - Your trampoline will be grateful


Are you ready to buy a trampoline? Find a high quality product!
Two factors are important when it comes to the life of a trampoline, namely the durability and durability of the materials from which it is made. Acrobat trampolines are made of high quality certified materials, so carefree fun in your garden and long-term use is guaranteed.

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