The Ultimate School Supplies Checklist: What You Really Need for College

The Ultimate School Supplies Checklist: What You Really Need for College

We interrupt your regularly scheduled summer programming with a thorough guide to the world of 


Do not fret, the days of golden sunsets and gingham picnic spreads have not drawn to a close… yet. We’re just of the mind that it’s better to start preparing early for back to school.

First up on our college school supplies list is the basic building block of all schoolwork, ever. Where would we be without our Ticonderogas, or better yet, their mechanical counterparts?
These cute pastel mechanical pencils will definitely look pretty in your pencil case, or on your desk. Bonus: No sharpening needed!

Graphite pencils are a must if you like to incorporate some art into your notetaking or bullet-journaling.

2. Pens
Black, blue, and red recommended. The former two for writing essays and signing documents, the latter for corrections!These colorful Papermate gel pens are not your average writing implements — they’re about a million times more stylish and colorful.

3. Eraser
Lost to the ages, or never finished. . . such is the fate of a well-worn, well-loved eraser. Everyone makes mistakes, take this guy along to face them together!Again, this fancy eraser set is way cooler than what you’d find at the average school supplies store. So cute!

4. Highlighters
Absolutely love these for giving notes that extra sparkle. Need more organization? More color, more excitement? Look no further!If you like your highlighters bold and bright, these colorful ones from Sharpie are a great pick.

5. Post-its
Very useful for jotting down wayward thoughts! Stick them all over your desk and admire your handiwork.For fans of all things pretty and luxe, these marble printed sticky notes are a must-have.

6. Planner
A trusty planner will take you far; everyone wants to stay on top of things. We’ve already shared why The Happy Planner is our favorite planner of all time, so see that post for details, but here’s a cute version of our fave, plus a more affordable pick below:

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