We kept a close attention

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"The entire world chat would explode any time a city fell," says Nadia Heller, an ex-World of Warcraft player whose character lived through the incident. "We kept a close attention not only on our guild conversation but on earth chat too to wow gold classic determine where not to go. We didn't need to grab it."

The spread of Corrupted Blood, and the participant's behavioral changes to it, caught the attention of epidemiologist Dr. Nina Fefferman, that had been a World of Warcraft player at the time of the episode. Fefferman reached out to her colleague Dr. Eric Lofgren. In 2007, both published a paper that detailed their findings, including complex models of human behaviour during a pandemic. Fefferman claims the incident has helped inform her current research to predictive modeling around covid-19.

"What I do is research all the aspects of infectious disease outbreaks which help us prepare for pandemics," explained Fefferman, a mathematical biologist. "We really saw the complete gamut of behaviors we see in the actual world reflected from the player characters during Corrupted Blood."

Dr. Dmitri Williams, an associate professor in USC who was also playing buy classic wow gold during the Corrupted Blood incident, queries whether Fefferman's findings are valid mirrors into real-life behavior.

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