Automatic labeling machine: common faults and maintenance procedures

(1) The brush device's adjustment must be made

(1) The brush device's adjustment must be made.

The center of the brush is aligned with the label on both sides, and the brush is symmetrical in shape. The marker brush is aligned perpendicular to the surface of the container. In order to sweep the container, the pressure brushes have an overlapping gap of 10mm to 15mm for each individual pressure brush and a combined pressure brush of 5mm to 10mm for each combined pressure brush. The position of the cleaning brush from the sponge is adjustable from 1mm to 2mm, depending on the position of the bottle head. When there is no bottle in the bottle press, the bottle press head should be 20mm lower than when there is a bottle in the bottle press.
(2) The label box should be adjusted.

Centerline of standard box; center axis of classic station is perpendicular to label paper; the three points of center axis of target plate are all in a straight line; target plate centerline is perpendicular to label paperInitially, adjust the tangent (0 distance) between the target plate and the label paper, and then move the standard box closer to 1mm-2mm. There should be a 0.8mm-1mm gap between the traditional paper in the ordinary box and the pressure bars on both sides of the pressure bars. A large enough gap will cause the standard paper to be displaced within the traditional box, resulting in the appearance of oblique marks. If the hole is too small, it will be difficult to get the legal ball rolling. Standard box grabbing hooks have been repositioned so that the upper and lower, as well as the left and right grabbing hooks, are on the same vertical plane and work evenly on the traditional paper, allowing the mark to be grasped smoothly.

Modifications to the label feeding roller include the ability to move the label pressing plate to the front end of the label box when no label is present and the ability to prevent the tag close to the label hook finger from being crushed when a title is present.

(3) Fine-tuning of the bottle-feeding star wheel, the bottle-feeding star wheel, and the bottle feeding screw rod

When adjusting the bottle-in and bottle-out star wheels, as well as the bottle-feeding screw rod, it is important to remember that the bottle pressing head of the automatic labeling machine must take precedence. First, make sure the bottle feeding star wheel is in the proper position. Ensure that the bottle is pressed by the bottle pressing head and that the bottle is located in the middle of the star wheel groove when the bottle pressing head presses the bottle. In order to properly adjust the bottle feeding screw, the bottle feeding star wheel should be used as a criterion. As soon as the bottle is centered in the track of the bottle feeding star wheel, adjust the screw rod so that the bottle feeding side of the screw rod is as close to the bottle as possible without the bottle being displaced. Adjustment of the bottle star wheel: When the bottle press head is just about to be lifted, adjust the star wheel so that the bottle is in the middle of the groove of the star wheel, as shown in the illustration.
(4) Revision of the benchmark

In order for there to be no gap between the squeegee and the rubber roller throughout their entire length, the squeegee and rubber roller must be adjusted. A gap can be closed or opened by turning the eccentric bolts on either side of the shaft. Adjustment of the rubber roller and the target plate: The rubber roller is only in contact with the target plate, and there is no pressure applied to the rubber roller. It is determined that the gap is too large and that there is too much glue on the target plate, resulting in glue rejection. If the hole is too small and the contact is too tight, the bond will be squeezed away and there will be no glue on the half of the target board that has been squeezed away.

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