Go to the wall where the hawk perched

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Go to the wall where the hawk perched and Elden Ring Items you'll notice an adjoining tower that has a ledge that you can climb up on. It is possible to jump onto and walk around the tower , until you come across an unassuming wooden path that gets you access to a platform with the Smithing Stone.

You can return to the tower but instead going back to the roof where you battled the stormhawk you are likely to want to leap onto the rooftop that's adjacent with the pillar crumbling. You'll have to climb that pillar to reach the ledge that is above you, and then walk around until you'll discover another rooftop that you can climb to.

This roof is teeming with soldiers, so be cautious the way you approach. I'd suggest beginning by killing the sleepy soldier on the right. Then, hiding behind the tower to shield yourself from the three crossbow soliders to the left. Allow them to come towards you and take them down one by one. Once they're dead, climb up to the top of the tower over you and pick up your Claw Talisman.

Take the ladder back down and then walk back up all the way to the roof with the crumbling pillar. You will see an opening between this roof and the one that was where you faced the stormhawk. Recover to 100% HP, then proceed to the bottom of the courtyard, where you'll find an Stonesword Key door and a Somber Smithing Stone [2]. Make use of that Stonesword Key you recently got to unlock the door, but be careful of the two axemen waiting inside. Drag them out of the courtyard one by one in case you require a bit of space to maneuver around. Slam attacks from them are slow, meaning you can quickly get them out of range and take a back stab. Inside the room , you'll find The Hawk Crest Wooden Shield, Misericorde as well as cheap Elden Ring Items the Iron Whetblade.


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