One of the two classes introduced to the game

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Barbarian.The Barbarian is probably the most "basic" class that you can play for Diablo 2. But that doesn't necessarily mean it's useless, but there are some disadvantages that come with Diablo 2 Resurrected Items using this type of character. For one, the character is heavily dependent on gear, regardless of the character's build. It is also nearly impossible to make work on higher difficulties. It requires a perfect Whirlwind build just to scoot by.

The strength of the Barbarian is in his ability to support. Using shouts and playing with friends, this is most popular class in helping out teammates, and this includes incorporating the Paladin's aura. When playing with your friends make sure to don't give an Barbarian at least a cursory glance.

Assassin.One of the two classes introduced to the game later on (with the Lord of Destruction DLC), the Assassin is a quite interesting tale of character, but she's lacking when it comes to the abilities she can use in game. The Assassin character class is specialized in the use of devious combat techniques and diverting.

Like similar to Barbarian combat, melee tanking/attacking is not viable when the game gets more difficult. To make the Assassin function, play the Trapper build. This will turn her into caster, thus giving her the capability to win the game on D2R ladder items buy her own. With three different damage types employed in the build, no monster immunity will be enough.


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