If you are at the top of the second set of stairs

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Stormveil Castle Cleanup - How to Activate Godrick's Great Rune.Finally it is time to collect the last of the items found in this castle and to Elden Ring Items activate Godrick's great Rune. Reteleport to Liftside Chamber Spot Of Grace and head back to the heavily guarded main gate path that is accessible through the courtyard. This path is slightly easier to clear once you've come from behind, however it can still be a major pain. Try to be as stealthy as possible as well as avoid aggravating several enemies at one time. Don't be afraid of backing off when you require additional space or want an opportunity to rest.

If you are at the top of the second set of stairs , be aware that the area is guarded by two turrets and numerous soldiers who throw firebombs. If you're able to launch a ranged attack, you are able to take out the turret troops from a distance however otherwise just make sure to run as swiftly as you can towards the bottom to get away from their reach. From here you can scale the rocks that are piled on top of the wall, and then jump through the gap to get to the posts where the turrets are located as well as kill their owners and discover the Arbalest.

Continue into the next large open area , and you'll be confronted by another large group of soldiers. Like the courtyard, you will want to draw them away in a slow manner, but be careful not to get into the way of the huge lion adversary just around the corner. if you look down along the way, you'll be able observe the front gate as well as one final Spot of Grace from here, but don't run toward it since there are a few more turrets hiding around the corner eager to wreak havoc on you. Instead , sneak up the wall on the right side so they'll be unable to elden ring weapons see you. then climb onto their platform , and eliminate all the turret operators and loot the Smithing Stone [2] and Smithing Stone [1] on their platform.