After talking to the guard and examining the cave

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Take a backtrack towards Border Watch in Rethramis and journey to the Aquilok's Head underground dungeon Lost Ark Gold. The item is located in a somewhat secluded spot and requires interaction by using the lever.

After talking to the guard and examining the cave. You'll have to tear down a train that's blocking your make progress. By doing this, you'll summon a mob of enemies, therefore, you must eliminate them. After you're done, look at an alcove to the left and you'll spot a lever. If you touch it, it will lower a nearby stone that will open up a whole new region on the map you to explore.

Jump down and go to the left side to see a few Thornwalkers. Pick them up and look for an object that can be interacted with on the ground, on the left side of the nearby torch. Interact with it once to get a 499-year-old Mera Wine. There is also the secret area for two Mokoko Seeds.

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