Are you going to check the Fortnite Collision event?

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Darth Vader has been heavily speculated to be the next season's Battle Pass, and Epic Games chief creative officer Donald Mustard has also been making hints about Star Wars content lately D2R Ladder Items. Most of the hints are centered around the LEGO AT-AT, however it's possible to see more powerful weapons of the Empire!

With Fortnite's season's final event due to start in less than a week it's unlikely that players will have for long to know what Epic Games has in store! Epic Games has warned gamers to be aware that Collision event is not replayable. Therefore, those hoping to participate in the event should make plans to be there on Saturday June 4th , at 4 p.m. ET.Fortnite currently currently available to play on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC. You can read our previous coverage of the game right here.

Are you going to check the Fortnite Collision event? What do you make of the teaser photos? Tell us via the comments or leave your thoughts on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!Legend of Zelda Fan Rumors Were "Frustrating" To Donkey Kong Game DevelopersIn the year Eric Kozlowsky was hired by Retro Studios, it resulted in rumors in the news that they were developing a brand new Zelda game.

The artist previously worked with PlayStation's Uncharted series, and for some reason, that inspired fans to form connection. But, Kozlowsky and Retro Studios were actually working on Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze at the time, and when it was finally revealed, many Zelda fans criticized it for being a disappointment because they were hoping for something different D2R Items for sale. In a brand new interview with the Kiwi Talkz podcast, Kozlowsky disclosed the reasons for this rumor, which caused anger for the team working on the game.

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