The Greatsword of Ordovis is Featured in Episode 49 of the Elden Ring Weapon Showcase at

We are equipped with emergency protectors that improve life endurance and load lifting capabilities



We are equipped with emergency protectors that improve life endurance and load lifting capabilities.




In addition, it is possible that I will use this amulet setting throughout the entirety of the exhibition. Let's take a look at the mobile environment now.


Alternate between using a light and heavy jump setting. Because they roll so well, I can only assume that I put a lot of effort into making broadswords. Even for the standard R1, you can start with a heavy take-off or a light take-off, and then the back step running attack can be used for the mixing after the event. This is somewhat comparable to the conventional running attack, but the running attack is a slash and a back step, and the side slash is the same as the running weight. This is a different take on the running attack that you can use. We will now perform a 360-degree slash. Although I don't always use the traditional slash running attack or the backward running attack, the backward running attack is without a doubt the one I use the most in my running attack chain. I believe that there are times when I can frighten my opponents with crutches and attempt to get the ball rolling in the sofa attack. Alternatively, if someone is being overly aggressive, you can punish the ball rolling attack by dodging into the whip.

Aside from that, I don't feel the need to use these attacks, and in addition to that, as I mentioned to ashivore, I'm not sure how helpful this will be. It is possible to fully charge it, and the amount of time it takes to charge can be either very long or very short, depending on how you intend to use it. Although I believe that if we want to use the fully charged version, someone will walk into it, or we will have to lock them in a corner, and they will have to roll past us to get rid of the AOE, well, a quick one may be useful depending on the opponent that we are fighting and the type of weapons that they have. Let's see how well it does in the duel, but for the invasion rate, you can comment below and say which one you like better; however, for this one, we will try seven duels and three intrusions; however, let's see how well it does in the duel first.

Hello, Hello,Allow me to interject here for a moment. They begin to fight for both you and I, but I'm going to wait for you here. You're beautiful.

Well, Chio,You have blades that are an abomination to God, but I do not know what kind of body you have. You have a negative opinion of the crucible. My go-to word is "crucible."To be honest, I only threw the ashes of war because they gave me permission to do so, but hey, oh, now you're throwing my stuff. I am truly sorry. I have no idea how I got so far off track. Then, after the swing of the sword, we all performed a follow-up action known as R2 R1.

I am unable to decipher the meaning of it. Oh my goodness, the ashes of war have a lot of powerful armor. Wow, I had no idea I could control tanks to this extent. I was completely unprepared. It's excellent in every way.

Good morning, let's move on to the next challenger. We have Qiqiao. Oh, the sword of the moonlight is in your possession. It's excellent.

Okay, so at first I was going to say that there were two role plays, but then I realized that this isn't a real role play—I am the role play. I fear that I could get frostbite very easily. You can't just choose to get hurt, can you? I was planning on making a backhanded compliment there, but I'm not really sure if we will land or not. I want to make an effort to land the ashes of the war, but I know it will be challenging. The real issue is that he obviously enjoys invading my personal space.

It will be somewhat challenging because it does not appear that he does so. Oh, he brandished two knives in the air. Now that the time has come, I can trade it for actual battle. cheap PS Elden Ring Runes's possible, but I don't wear any special protective gear.

chicho, he's right here, he's prepared, and he has a burning desire to give you a fight for your money. Oh, I think he might continue by saying something to the effect of "We're calm, oh, I don't think this will hit me."It should come as no surprise that I won't be following up on that very interesting fight, man. You do not develop romantic feelings for any of the purchases of my super armor.

It's very peculiar. After what appears to be his death, there is a disconnect. Although I don't know of an interesting battle, I think we should continue with our next battle since we have the right to do so. Yes, let's come, let's improve our defense.

Despite the fact that I'm a role player, my highest hitpoint total is 461, which isn't too shabby for a great sword of war. I believe that it will be very helpful when your number exceeds someone else's, but in direct combat, it's easy to dodge, at least from what I've experienced, and jumping attack is very good at causing damage to the rolling ball. In spite of the fact that we move on to our next adversary, we have surrendered page.

I'll give you a stunning bow, and then you'll be prepared to do battle in the role-playing game. To tell you the truth, I don't really have any body gain. I'm only going to use the sword in this situation.

To put it simply, he is a man of faith. It's pretty cool in my book. It's a mighty sword belonging to God. Even though there are a lot of swords in the game, I still haven't mastered how to use them. I have a strong desire to engage in additional ashes of war battles, but it's hard for other people to keep their equilibrium with me. It's reasonable to expect that the majority of people will flee the area as soon as they see you launch a charge attack of any kind because this is the most straightforward way to avoid being hit, but I'm going to give it my best shot anyway. My guess is that he will engage in follow-up work. He doesn't. Everyone here is employing the jump shot attack, and thanks to my jump shot attack with the giant sword, I've caused a significant amount of damage. Even though I do wear amulets myself, it pleases me to know that those who use them effectively are still severely punished. Oh, the third blow from the broadsword captured a very interesting fight and stopped the rolling ball in its tracks. Your body is sweet, which is one of the reasons why I admire you. Continue to our next opponent.

We have Caine Hearst, the patriarch of the family. Oh, oh, he drank Estes. You don't have to drink from the milk bottle in this manner at all.

I was beginning to worry about you. I had the impression that you had finished your bottle of milk. To the very last man, I will not heal you.

We were able to locate Father Cainhurst once more. We will complete the task for him. It's possible that he'll feel secure after that.

Go ahead. Regardless of which man you are with, I will heal you, but I do comprehend. I have some thoughts on the matter: do you want any kind of gain, or are you prepared? He'll be gone if they don't get this done, which is a damn shame because it's a big job. OK, jump, hey, we are all thinking the same thing, Follow up on all of the follow-up actions simultaneously.

Just to be clear, which of these is the explosion? Oh, so that's the course of events. I jumped up. I can't even attempt to jump backwards because I have no idea how to do it.

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