these focuses can Buy Animal Crossing Items be traded for fish

these focuses can Buy Animal Crossing Items be traded for fish

approaches more focuses, and these focuses can Buy Animal Crossing Items be traded for fish-themed things. Players can likewise decide to offer their fish to CJ for a few additional ringers.

Also, players in the Southern Hemisphere just will have a Bug-Off on Jan. 16. Very much like CJ, Flick will start off the occasion at 9 a.m. also, punch out at 6 p.m. The Bug-Off works the same way, with players procuring focuses for each bug caught. They can win Bug-Off prizes and furthermore offer their discoveries to Flick.

Celebrate genuine January occasions with extraordinary Nook Shopping itemsThroughout the long stretch of January, players can track down a progression of restricted time things in the occasional segment of Nook Shopping. First off, the New's Years Day things presented in late December be accessible until Jan. 5. Then, at that point, from Jan. 5 to Jan. 7, players can buy Nanakusa Gayu - a bowl of rice porridge.

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