If only to prove some people who are naysayers wrong

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Because the movie is in the process of being made, there's no official release date or casting information available at this moment.God of D2R Ladder Items War could be making its way to the small screen via the Amazon TV series. The year before, it was heavily rumored it was possible that Sony together with Amazon were working on bringing Kratos' story to life but nothing was confirmed.

This month, Sony stated that God of War will be adapted for Amazon's streaming service however it appears that it's likely to be in the very early stages. No director, writer or cast have been attached to the project. However, Dave Bautista suggested that he's interested in playing Kratos.

If only to prove some people who are naysayers wrong.Another program that was announced last week is an adaption of The Horizon series. It's the one that is likely to not be following the games since it's a very diverse and expansive world with other special characters outside of Alloy.

God of War and Ghost of Tsushima's titles each refer to an individual character, so they're bound to the protagonists of their respective films, however, Horizon can branch out a bit more. At present all we know is that it's working on at Netflix. The company hasn't announced when it will be released, who the cast or even a any story.

There are several contradicting reports on the nature of this project but Gran Turismo is getting an adaptation of some sort. It was reported that Sony is pursuing District 9 director Neill Blomkamp to Cheap D2R Items helm a Gran Turismo film, but it's unclear what the plot is going to be.