Igvault Tips Help You Making more WoW Classic Gold

In World of Warcraft, ‘farming’ is the process of repeatedly killing enemies, ideally in large groups, to ‘farm’ them for experience or loot.

World of Warcraft Classic has its own economy, that's why making gold is incredibly important for WoW Classic. There are large purchases that you will want to make, such as getting your epic mount or getting better gear from the auction house. Then how to earn WoW Classic Gold? There is the WoW Classic Gold making Guide for you.


In WoW Classic, professions are an integral part of the game and will be important in every phase.While some professions can help to make items that you will use for raiding and PvP, professions are also an excellent way to make gold. If your primary goal is to make gold, some professions are better than others. Below is a tier list for how the different professions rank strictly in terms of making gold.

  • S-Tier: Skinning
  • A-Tier: Alchemy, Herbalism, Mining
  • B-Tier: Leatherworking
  • C-Tier: Enchanting, Engineering
  • D-Tier: Tailoring, Blacksmithing

Buy buy buy on the auction house

Items on the auction house will never again be as cheap as they are during launch. This is because the gold supply is tiny and low-level goods supply is large.

People will be vendoring gathered resources like leathers and ores during the launch because the market will be flooded with them and no one will have enough gold to drive up the prices.

This is a unique opportunity for you to buy and stock up on items that will explode in price during certain content releases. Even resources as basic as copper ore will explode in price during the AQ event down the line.

If you have spare gold that you do not need to buy spells/mounts, buying up these cheap auctions is an almost guaranteed way to make gold.

A lot of events overlap in what items/resources they need. For example, copper, tin, and iron will be used in the Darkmoon Faire event, the AQ event, leveling up professions like blacksmithing and engineering, and much more. So if you find auctions for this selling at near vendor prices, it's all but guaranteed you will make gold from them in the near (and distant) future.


In World of Warcraft, ‘farming’ is the process of repeatedly killing enemies, ideally in large groups, to ‘farm’ them for experience or loot.

If making money if your goal, then it’s the latter you’re most interested in. Whether it’s out in the world or within a dungeon, pulling groups of enemies, downing them with AOE, and repeating can net you both raw gold and a variety of items to sell.

When it comes to specifics, it’s going to be a case of what works best for you. You can blast through lower-level content alone, or group up to tackle tougher opponents. Some farming strategies aim for uncommon gear drops to sell on the auction house, while others will be more reliable in offering coin and crafting materials like cloth.

Some classes are stronger at farming than others – Mages particularly excel due to their huge range of AOE and kiting tools – and so your class choice will also influence what might be best to farm for you, and whether you group up or go it alone.

With so many potential locations in which to farm, it’s worth trying out a few different approaches without sinking too many hours into them initially to get a sense for what you find easiest, most enjoyable, and most profitable.

Farming is also a very effective levelling strategy if you’re working in content that’s within your level – either world monsters or dungeons with a group – so if you’re all about that endgame then it’s definitely worth considering along the way. For others, it might only come into play when you specifically need to make money for a big payment like a mount.


Fishing is one of the more lucrative professions, and one everyone can get. It's something you'll want to level up, because fish you can catch like Stonescale Eel and Nightfin Snapper sell very well on the Auction House because they are both used by raiders in either potions or for food.

WoW Classic addons for making money

If you want to focus on making money, there are several addons that might prove useful, and the following stand out as being particularly worth considering.


For the gold-conscious player, Auctioneer is an invaluable tool for making sure you maximize your earnings. Not only does it streamline the auction house experience itself, allowing you to easily undercut existing listings, buy at the cheapest rate, and track the market, it also displays the auction price of the items in your bag, allowing you to judge the value of things you pick up while out in the world.


If you have gathering professions, an addon like GatherMate will likely make it much easier to ensure you never miss a herb or a mining node. GatherMate will remember the location of every herb and ore you collect, and display that data on both the mini-map and the world map, to make gathering easier and more efficient.

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