RuneScape's biggest flaw which may also be its biggest asset

RuneScape's biggest flaw, which may also be its biggest asset, is one that's used by nearly every other MMORPG: its sheer longevity.

RuneScape's biggest flaw, which may also be its biggest asset, is OSRS gold one that's used by nearly every other MMORPG: its sheer longevity. In between the exhilarating adventures and high-octane PvP fights is the relentless grinding out of the mundane chores of life such as mining, fishing or cooking to get better or to earn credits to purchase that pesky new helmet or piece of armor. Gotta make money somehow, right?

Whilst those activities can be somewhat therapeutic, it's also an endless amount of time doing the same repeated thing over and over again - time that could not be better spent playing around with some shorter but no less popular video games.

Instead of being one continuous combat, RuneScape is a painstaking battle of attrition that's extremely long and exhausting, and doesn't ever truly end. However, it can be very rewarding if you're willing to invest the time in it, and I was. For a minimum of a one or two years.

I've not played any MMORPGs sincethen, to my inexplicably shameful loss. Life's demands are a lot more intense and I don't have time to allow them to lure me into. In all the games I've played that I've played, RuneScape is by far the most time-consuming, having numerous levels to conquer and things to gather. People have even perished as a result of long sessions of the game's younger, but less popular sibling, World of Warcraft and World of Warcraft, which could also make it the most terrifying game.

These days, you can usually find me in Quake and Half-Life or hanging out on Team Fortress 2 - games that come out in force create a lasting impression and then disappear. It's nice to play games I can enjoy and then get rid of quickly, without worrying about how many logs of wood are in my possession or where I'm going to be cheap RS gold fishing during tomorrow's session.

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