For the reason why some of the improvements

the elimination of Conduit Energy was delayed despite being repeatedly criticised by many gamers, Hazzikostas said it came from the beginning wanting players to have semi-permanent options similar to WoW Classic TBC talent trees.

"Whereas prior to that, we made all decisions from cheap wow tbc gold a character to determine the starting point, and sometimes making account-wide unlocks as a result of achievements, cosmetics or such I believe that now more and more we're asking about every reward, every bit of content: is it something that can be sustained over many replays?" He said. "Is this something that will feel significantly different on a distinct person?"

For the reason why some of the improvements, like the ability to freely switch among Covenants and the elimination of Conduit Energy was delayed despite being repeatedly criticised by many gamers, Hazzikostas said it came from the beginning wanting players to have semi-permanent options similar to WoW Classic TBC talent trees.

He acknowledges that the changes to the systems could be made sooner, since the list of advantages to more permanent choices decreased when players started feeling less and less confined by WoW TBC' system during the years after the launch of the expansion.

"It's the patterns we've been taught to think in and are accustomed to thinking in," he said. "Working with World of Warcraft this long could lead to what appears to be stubbornness from the outside. I understand that, and understand that it can be difficult. It's taken us a while to get to recognize that when we introduce friction, people will try to come up with a solution for it.

In essence, friction isn't fun. You're dealing with an issue that is annoying and making you slow, so what's the reason we're doing this? Let's allow people to wow classic tbc gold go from something they love to something they love without a hurdle.'"