I need to upgrade my melee weapons.

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I need to upgrade my melee weapons. Right now my greatest is a BGS, which is embarrassing for OSRS gold somebody my level. I was originally thinking about going for chaotics, but drygores are crashing and may actually be within my price range. So I want your information. Here is a bit about me: I hate dungeoneering. Usually I solo because I can not stand teams. This decreases my xp/hr sadly. I have 87k tokens. I've never gotten 2m xp (which could be required to get 200k tokens). If I were to get chaotics, I would have to double the experience I have up to the stage.

Drygores is better on all fronts, the real question is cash. Can you create enough within time drygores degrades to keep up with repairs and will you make your money back and take buying them as a loss (due to the fact that they are decreasing in price and certainly will in anticipation for ANY future melee upgrades ). Prices are a bit more stable today, but I for one still have not given in to the drygore trend...

I see the hurt output and it's substantial, do not get me wrong, but for someone like me that may only do the odd slay task per day or perhaps every day or two, I do not see spending the money worth it.

However, I have not had any issues using chaotics not being'sufficient' almost anywhere I have been (supervisors around Nex I have completed and can confirm chaotics effectiveness). I still have the same loadout I had when I got to 90ish dungeoneering, main-hand rapier off-hand longsword. Always serves it's function and has slay tasks/bosses down quick. Should you really feel like waiting a bit longer they may crash some more as it will get a bit closer to the launch of t90 2h weps. But it's really your phone, should you dislike dungeoneering that I think it could seem easier collecting the mil's required for drygores.

God, it has been years. Abilities are now part of buy RS gold combat and I understand some of these things were fairly controversial. The final thing I really remember was the return of the old wildy, around 2011 or so?

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