Since the very beginning everyone knew that World of Warcraft would end up being a huge hit

World of Warcraft is the direct descendant of the Warcraft franchise, which was released in the 1990s and has gained popularity over the years

World of Warcraft is the direct descendant of the Warcraft franchise, which was released in the 1990s and has gained popularity over the years. It eventually became the prototype for upcoming multiplayer online battle arena games like League of Legends and Dota 2, as well as massively multiplayer online role-playing games like World of Warcraft. World of Warcraft is the direct descendant of the Warcraft franchise, which was released in the 1990s. Because World of Warcraft inherited Warcraft's fully fleshed-out characters and illustrious lore, both of which were certainly ahead of their time, World of Warcraft has been set up for success from the very beginning. This is because both of these aspects of Warcraft were definitely ahead of their time.

There is no question that Wrath of the Lich King featured an exceptional storyline that left a large number of players in a state of confusion and pleading for more content like WoW WotLK Classic Gold. This is due to the fact that Wrath of the Lich King is regarded by many as the version of World of Warcraft that featured the most refined gameplay, as well as the most intricate class and environment design that worked well with the overall theme of the expansion. As a result of these factors, the game went down in history as the most refined version of the game.



The Lich King, who in World of Warcraft: The Last of the Kings is referred to by his other name, Arthas Menethil, is without a doubt the focus of everyone's attention. Because Arthas has a complicated history with all three of these characters, it is not even worth considering leaving out Jaina Proudmoore, Uther Lightbringer, or Sylvanas Windrunner from the story. In addition to that, there is evidence that the Lich King worked together with the notorious lich Kel'Thuzad at some point in the past. We will now talk about the pasts of these historical figures because the decisions made by the Lich King and his behavior were profoundly connected to and influenced by the actions of all of these other historical figures.

It turned out to be Arthas Menethil.

The story of Arthas Menethil, prince of Lordaeron and light-chosen paladin who learned under the watchful eye of Uther Lightbringer, begins with the necromancer Kel'Thuzad, who was already corrupted, poisoning the grain in Startholme in order to turn the people who lived there into the undead. Arthas Menethil was learning under the watchful eye of Uther Lightbringer. While Uther Lightbringer kept an eye on him, Arthas Menethil worked diligently on his studies. Arthas traveled to Stratholme in order to put an end to the Plague of Undeath. Upon arriving there, he was met with disapproval from Jaina and Uther, but he proceeded to kill the infected citizens of Stratholme anyway. Arthas was on the lookout for the Plague of Undeath and was adamant about putting an end to it. In the midst of Arthas' efforts to rid the area of infected, Arthas was confronted by the dreadlord Mal'Ganis, who had been keeping a low profile throughout the entire operation.

Arthas swore that he would exact vengeance on Mal'Ganis, so he traveled to Northrend and, after gaining control of Frostmourne, he was able to defeat the almost infinite armies that Mal'Ganis had assembled. Arthas swore that he would exact vengeance on Mal'Ganis. It was inevitable that Arthas would become the first Death Knight, and he began his new role by collaborating with dreadlords, reanimating the dead, and eliminating anyone who stood in his way, including his own father, King Terenas.

Arthas was given the responsibility of assembling the Cult of the Damned and training Kel'Thuzad to become a necromancer. Arthas led an invasion into the lands of Quel'Thalas in order to achieve these objectives. During this invasion, he caused havoc in the capital city, killed and resurrected as a banshee their ranger-general Sylvanas Windrunner, and brought Kel'Thuzad back from the dead.

While coming under the heavy influence of the Lich King and Kel'Thuzad, Arthas Menethil continued his mission of slowly destroying Azeroth and preparing it for the next invasion of the Legion. Because Arthas's powers were dwindling over time and his banshee, Slyvanas Windrunner, defied his command, it was suggested to him that he make the journey to Northrend in order to ascend to the Frozen Throne. This was done so that he could take his place atop the Frozen Throne.

Arthas, who had allied himself with the Lich King, had been recuperating on the Frozen Throne for a number of years prior to beginning the Scourge Invasion in Wrath of the Lich King. During that time, he had been sleeping. Arthas continued his invasions until the heroes arrived in Northrend, at which point he became obsessed with capturing Azeroth's most powerful champions and turning them into undead. During this time, the heroes were making their way to Northrend. Both the Horde and the Alliance fought side by side in order to accomplish their shared goal of permanently removing the Lich King from the game. They ultimately accomplished what they set out to do with flying colors. After the War of the Lich King was over, Bolvar Foredragon succeeded Arthas on the Frozen Throne and became the new Icecrown Emperor. Because there ought to be a Lich King at all times, this had to be done.

Even though Ner'zhul's primary objective was to serve the Burning Legion, the newly acquired powers compelled him to manipulate Arthas in a manner that was contrary to the plans of the Burning Legion and ultimately led to Arthas's betrayal of the Betrayer. Despite the fact that Ner'zhul's primary objective was to serve the Burning Legion, his newly acquired powers compelled him to manipulate Arthas in this manner. Therefore, as Arthas, in his weakened state, traveled to Northrend for the final time and finally took his place on the Frozen Throne, Arthas and Ner'zhul have merged into a single entity. This occurred as Arthas was finally able to take his place on the Frozen Throne.

Arthas Menethil and Jaina Proudmoore share a deep and personal history that dates back to the time when they were both enrolled in the Dalaran School of Magic at the same time. Jaina Proudmoore is not only one of the most powerful mages in the history of Warcraft, but she is also the daughter of Daelin, a Kul'Tiran admiral, and Katherine Proudmoore, the Kul'Tiran admiral's wife. Katherine Proudmoore was a member of the Proudmoore family. In spite of the fact that they were inseparable back in Dalaran, the couple eventually became estranged from one another as a result of Jaina's vehement opposition to Arthas' Stratholme culling.