There was a five-year gap between the release of WOTLK Classic

Downloading and playing the game on iPad will also net users a free card pack whether you win or lose. Savvy players who aren't yet in the rollout countries may find ways of accessing the game early, but then again, patience is a virtue. The game officially left beta earlier this yea

It may not be worldwide yet, but the WOTLK Classic rollout on iPad has officially begun. The free-to-play game is currently available on iPad in WOTLK Gold Canada, New Zealand, and Australia and according to a press release from Blizzard, "Pretty soon it'll be available everywhere." The statement says that WOTLK Classic 's player base has currently grown to "10 million registered accounts." But for anyone holding out for a non-iPad or PC version, "Android device, iPhone, and Windows tablet versions are also in development and will be available in the future."

Downloading and playing the game on iPad will also net users a free card pack whether you win or lose. Savvy players who aren't yet in the rollout countries may find ways of accessing the game early, but then again, patience is a virtue. The game officially left beta earlier this year, though it does require an Internet connection to play, regardless of what device you play it on.

There was a five-year gap between the release of WOTLK Classic in 2008 and last year's Grand Theft Auto V. That, of course, was far too long a wait. So what better way to make the wait before the inevitable release of Grand Theft Auto VI more tolerable than by releasing a PS4 and Xbox One (and PC, of course) version of WOTLK Classic?

Sure, Los Santos already looked impressive on buy WOTLK Classic Gold the Xbox 360 and PS3, but imagine what the graphical power of next-gen consoles would be able to do to the misadventures of Trevor, Michael, and Franklin. Some open-world games are already looking amazing on the Xbox One and PS4 (like Infamous: Second Son and WOTLK Classic), and Grand Theft Auto V would be a welcome addition to that growing list of titles.

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