What aspect of warbands would you interested in

What aspect of warbands would you interested in

When choosing a warband group you should consider their equipment requirements, pking skill requirements, amount of players that are RS gold active punctually, their strategy when confronted with an assault (i.e. fight or run), allied teams, and effectiveness at warring. The FCs usually have forum threads detailing this all, Leo would know better than me about this substance.

What aspect of warbands would you interested in? The pvp or even the xp? This would be quite important to know before I go any further. I would suggest joining a group in WBG. If you think that you can devote time to receive a permanent spot at a fc, employ on one of the threads on the official forums, or attempt the Warband Tracker site (google it). Unfortunately the free-for-all groups that used to be a part of this Warband Tracker happen to be canceled, therefore it can be difficult to discover a temporary team. For help with this try asking friends to see if they could guarantee you in their own fc.

Finally, the last solution is to go solo. With the latest warband mechanics update, I have found that soloing can be a rather effective strategy for me, as I currently do not have much spare time to dedicate to a complete time fc. When soloing you can easily get at least 25 loot a wave, but obtaining 75 in a single wave will be exceedingly difficult.

I've begun the POP miniature game lately, it's quite enjoyable to be honest... So far I am in the Schythe area. But I'm having difficulty making decisions concerning when/what I should upgrade. First off, the boats: What should I prioritize updating? The hull, the deck items, the rudder, or even the ram (the slot at the very front of the ship, idk what it's called) Subsequently, the vents themselves: What's well worth upgrading? I've noticed most of the upgrades are fairly expensive.

I've been trying to upgrade my office to unlock a 3rd boat, but it is so horribly slow to collect bamboo. Finally, the team: following is a list of the team members I've. Who should I throw overboard dismiss? And finally, what should I be looking for while recruiting new team members? Should I give preference to folks such as buy osrs gold paypal the Card Sharp with one, super high stat, or to things like the Feral Chimera with 2 reasonably substantial stats?

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