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World of Warcraft : The Burning Crusade Classic is included with any WoW subscription. Therefore, if are playing in the game's primary or Classic in WoTLK Gold the meantime, you'll have the content absolutely nothing.

This announcement was leaked ahead of BlizzConline as well as information regarding Shadowlands' upcoming update. WoW Classic is due to launch in 2019. giving players a opportunity to play the game as it originally launched in 2004 and with only minor modernized features to improve quality-of-life.

World of Warcraft has been on the market for a long period and its popularity shows no sign of abating. In fact, according the report from Activision Blizzard, the game's new expansion comes at a time when the game's subscriptions to long-term players are rising faster than any time before. In an announcement the publisher said it was the Shadowlands is the highest-selling PC game to date, having sold more copies within a day than any other game that the company has ever recorded.

According to Activision Blizzard, World of Warcraft was the last PC game to sell at least 3.5 million copies on the day of launch, and Shadowlands has already surpassed that record with 3.7 million sold. The announcement also mentions that gamers spend more hours in WoW's imaginary world of Azeroth during the year that in any other as well as that the total amount of game time has increased by two times compared to 2019.

Shadowlands is World of Warcraft 's eighth expansion pack. It was released on the 23rd of November. WoW last year celebrated their 16th anniversary, which probably will make some players feel as ancient as an old god. Activision Blizzard also announced plans to cheap WoTLK Gold take a stand against "multi-boxing," which is one of the most popular ways to grind quicker by using multiple games clients.