We think around 25 is the optimal number

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The latest addition to 2k23 mt allows you to find out how quickly or slowly the shot meter is displayed, when you enable it. There are four options available in the Controller Settings The options are Very Early, Late, Early in addition to Very late. While playing around with this will not alter the animations in your jump shots, it does alter the speed at which the timer appears. Personally, we prefer it on Very Early.

Since the meter is displayed just after you press the button, it gives you a few extra milliseconds to time your release, but if you feel you're continually undercooking shots, it could be best to use very Late and somewhere around the middle. One of the best ways to discover what is most effective for you is to test with your most popular players in 2KU.

By default, your defensive Assist Strength will set at 50 on the Controller Settings. This feature is designed to predict the movements of your opponents you're guarding, but we've noticed that it's far too agresiv at times. You can disable it completely if it's your belief in your own capabilities on the sticks, however we'd recommend that you leave it in place for a some, so you possess a little magnetic force to keep you ahead of your competitors. Spend some time with 2KU to determine what is most effective for you, however personally we think around 25 is the optimal number.

There's nothing more frustrating about NBA 2K23 than seeing a wide-open teammate and accidentally lobbing into the wrong player. Fortunately, within Controller Settings, you can modify to alter the Pass Target Profile. This is weighed by three distinct factors: Pass Target Direction, Target Distance, and Pass Target Distance, and Pass Target Openness.

There's a profile that puts passing a tick further toward openness in comparison to the default setting which we have found to be the most effective option, but you are free to tweak further to find the one that works flawlessly for you with mt 2k23. Make sure you lead a teammate into open space by pressing Circle when you select Full Receiver Control within the Receiver Control option, you'll be able, manually, to reposition your teammate, while holding that button.