Anything that could impact gameplay we want to make sure the product

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Director of WoTLK Classic Gold production Patrick Dawson and WoW Classic lead engineer Brian Birmingham explained the motivations behind this ambitious retrofitting the popular MMORPG and what they expect it to do for the fans.

"The community saidthat we want Classic WoW. When we looked at it, it appeared to be a world with crashes as well as teleport hacks. It wasn't up to the quality standards that Blizzard has today," Dawson told P2Pah. "Well what if we used our modern infrastructure? Are we able to retrofit it? We embarked on the journey of a few days to discover what the world was."

The decision to recreate the classic sensation within the brand new infrastructure led to some decision issues. For certain players, the rough edges are part of the original character. Blizzard was forced to determine what was appropriate and what wasn't, and the question was decided by tough judgement decisions.

"Anything that could impact gameplay we want to make sure the product we offer is authentic." Birmingham explained. "Where we believe that quality of life enhancements are acceptable are things like, tapping to complete a name in in-game mail. It's not an integral element of the gameplay experience of leveling up and questing, and trying to discover the world.

"Challenge is a part of it," Birmingham continued. "The the world feels dangerous. There are difficult group missions all over the world, and high-level quests that are impossible to take on by yourself, or would require you to be over-leveled if you want to go it alone. These quests will push you to find somebody else to help you out, or out level them and return in the future, or just leave them and go on. There is buy WoTLK Gold no requirement to complete each and every mission in every zone. You can choose your path across the globe. That's exactly the type of game players are seeking."

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