Progression bonuses added to the July update are in operation

There are many cheap Lost Ark Gold for sale on P2Pah from trusted and verified sellers, P2Pah has won the recognition of users for its high-quality service and security over the years, so you can buy Lost Ark Gold with confidence. If you happen to have the Lost Ark Gold you want right now,

Lost Ark is getting two more rounds of the only weekend-only Fever Time event to close the month of July Lost Ark Gold. This event lets you claim rewards once on Saturday and Sunday. This event will be added to the bonus progressions that were added following June's Spells on Spades Update.

Fever Time is a simple event, since it just involves collecting rewards once per weekday and is limited to one individual on your roster. The rewards are quite different each time. This weekend, July 23rd & 24th, rewards will be:

Saturday Wednesday, July 23rd

3 Battle Items Chest x1 and Honing Shard Selection Chest 3

Sunday, July 24th,

Honing Support Choice Chest and Guard Stone Selection Pouch 6

Next week, for the July weekend's final weekend the rewards will shift to:

Saturday, July 30th

3 Battle Items Chest with 1 item along with Honing Leapstone Chosen Chest II x 2

Sunday on July 31st

Honing Support Selection Chest and Destruction Stone Selection Pouch x3

Progression bonuses added to the July update are in operation and include The Punika Powerpass, by which you can upgrade any character in a matter of minutes until item level 1302 by making a one-time usage of this pass. Additionally, there are Hyper Express events. This means that anyone with an item level 1302and above (including those who are insta-leveled on your roster) is able to participate in the progression challenges which can assist them in getting to item level 1370. Additionally, this is a part of Abyssal Challenge Dungeons, which gives winners tools for honing their skills.

Then, you'll be able to grab these additional chests provided you join on Saturdays and Sunday between 3:01 AM and 2:59 am PT on Saturday. You must also log in every day on Sunday in order to make claims.

Apart from the thrilling combat action and a customizable fighting style, another thing that makes Lost Ark among the top MMORPGs are that it has an Emotes system. Emotes allow player to display their personality, whether they're enjoying their victory or showing signs of stress when cornered. Whatever the case, the emotes are a way to bring the world Arkesia best place to buy Lost Ark Gold into existence. Before going further try reading Lost Ark Destroyer Build.