A Story of World of Warcraft So FarSee MoreSome WoW Players

Wrath of the Lich King Classic is currently not set for any release date yet, but is scheduled to release later in the year. Modern WoW's new expansion, Dragonflight will also be scheduled for release by the end of 2022.

In an interview that was conducted in the month of WOTLK Gold April WoW Classic Director of Development Brian Birmingham said Blizzard wouldn't use quest tracking for players to be able to level up through the expansion just as they did when expansion first released in 2008. If this remains true then the quest tracker may not be implemented initially, however it might be added into this game towards the conclusion that expansion's feature phase like it was initially.

Blizzard recently revealed its philosophy in regards to the changes it plans to make to Wrath of the Lich King Classic and possible in the near future WoW Classic releases. In the statement, it states that it is determined to protect and encourage social experiences that make the game more accessible and familiar for players, and keep Azeroth to be the game's true "main player." It is true that adding the quest tracker is likely to go against certain of the declared goals, but the inclusion of this feature is desired by a significant part of the game's players, many of which would rather use community-made modifications to restore a large portion of the quest tracker's functionality regardless of whether it's added officially or not.

Wrath of the Lich King Classic is currently not set for any release date yet, but is scheduled to release later in the year. Modern WoW's new expansion, Dragonflight will also be scheduled for release by the end of 2022.

A Story of World of Warcraft So FarSee MoreSome WoW Players Are Asking Blizzard to delay Dragonflight

The launch of World of Warcraft 's next expansion, Dragonflight cheap WOW WOTLK Classic Gold , is far closer than most players expected the expansion would be. Blizzard recently confirming the expansion is on track to be released in 2022.