We're creating this world that we call Sanctuary

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Sanctuary is comprised of five different regions that include: The Fractured Peaks (snowy mountains), Dry Steppes (desert), Hawezar (swamps), Scosglen (coastal forests) and D2R Ladder Items Kehjistan (ruins of a previous civilization). We've had the opportunity to view these in game and on artwork and all of them are distinct biomes, and you'll be able to visit all of them during Diablo 4's story.

Lilith has been summoned in the mortal realm , and it's probably not good for the inhabitants of Sanctuary.

Diablo 4 is set up as a shared open-world online game with multiple dungeons and areas for players to explore. While other Diablo games had an elongated storyline by using Acts, Diablo 4 is believed to allow more freedom when it comes to where you'd like go and what to do even with an ongoing story.

During BlizzConline, it was revealed that players can now freely traverse the map, taking on the strongholds of enemies and then taking them to their own and even spotting infected zones, referred to as the The Fields of Hatred. We had a chat with artist director John Muller during BlizzConline, he stated that players will be able to develop an increased appreciation for the world due to the new layout.

"We're creating this world that we call Sanctuary for the first-time, and it's a connected space. You can ride your vehicle and ride from the harsh , horrid coastlines through the deserts, before going through various regions along the way," said the developer. "Everything has a place now in the past, therefore the history and the legends, everything you've learned about Diablo is no longer just a 2-dimensional representation you can click to go to a map. It's a journey on Cheap D2R Ladder Items your horse, and it's a really different kind of experience. For the genre and Diablo players, I'm sure that it's something everyone is going to enjoy."