Dual wielding is much more offensively concentrated obviously

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Dual wielding is much more offensively concentrated obviously, and it is slightly better than using 2handed weapons because OSRS gold you get somewhat superior abilities. That is why most people prefer using dual crossbows rather than a 2handed crossbow or bow, and a wand + the defense slot offensive weapon equivalent (usually orbs like the Spider Orb) instead of staves (except in some specific circumstances where you ought to risk just 1 item). Basically you should view the orb as some sort of off-hand sword or crossbow even thought it does not look like a weapon.

So it's the equivalent of the Spider Wand since it has the exact same tier, it's the matching off-hand offensive weapon of the Spider Wand. At your level you can probably purchase and wield Batwing btw, which is even better and it is super cheap also.

Warpriest is your best armour in F2p but it is only obtainable by members... unless you participated in the event several months ago which I doubt. It maxes out at grade 2 in f2p (had been nerfed by Jagex), so it's not actually the best armor in most conditions. You can still get decent hybrid armor though, the ghost hunter armor (w/e it's called) is just as great and you can get it out of murdering ghosts.

I believed it maxed out at grade 50. Best f2p hybrid armour like he stated was dragonstone, which is tier 60. The last time you might get warpriest was ancient 2014. I meant grade 2 or 3 tiers or whatever, do not know the lingo, just an 07 participant dropping by. Warpriest armour is dreadful F2P. It's tier 50 however, the stats are poor to cheap RS gold another grade 50'tank' armours due to being hybrid armour.