Blizzard Is Cancelling BlizzCon 2022 to create a new Future of The Event

BlizzCon 2022 that was scheduled to take place in February, and be mostly a virtual affair with smaller gatherings in person, was canceled. The decision comes amidst ongoing lawsuits and investigations that allege massive sexual harassment and discrimination within Activision Blizzard.

At the point that World of Warcraft Classic first started in WOTLK Gold the year 2019. players completed the game's first mission on day one. That set the tone for the game's entire run forward, as players who had years of gaming experience and a min-maxing approach took on nearly every challenge the original release of Blizzard's MMORPG could face.

Blizzard wants to change the game's rules in World of Warcraft Classic's upcoming Season of Mastery, which is about bringing an extra level of challenge to Azeroth as well as fresh servers, a faster timeline for the rollout of content, as well as more challenging raid encounters. However, Blizzard is going to have to make bosses more difficult if they want to pose any kind of threat to the most committed players.

World of Warcraft Classic - Announcement

A recent beta test of Season of Mastery let players fight it out of bosses from the game's initial two raids: Molten Core And Onyxia's Lair. Despite all the bosses receiving the same 100% health boost, and a lot of bosses getting additional mechanics that had been modified out of the game originally but players nevertheless made short progress against their opponents. This wasn't entirely unexpected, with Blizzard making it clear in a public forum post that they were concerned that the effects of changes would "likely not be meaningfully felt" by long-time players of the game.

"As we looked at Beta testers in game as well as listened to their reactions to our restorations and changes that confirmed what we already thought going into this test: simply increasing mob health and the restoration of a few mechanics that were removed wasn't achieving the goals we wanted for a time focused on faster progression and "more buy WOTLK Gold difficult" material," Blizzard writes.

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