WoW: Burning Crusade Classic Will Offer Extra Rewards To Alliance PvPs

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Sanctum of Domination recently released as part of WoW: Shadowlands' major Chains of Domination 9.1 patch and also the introduction of a new zone, a new mega-dungeon, and a heavily criticized new gear mechanic in shape of Shards of Domination. The raid's ending cinematic also left something to be desired among many players, with the big bad Sylvanas not receiving the attention people believed she was due. While gamers wait for WoW's unavoidable 9.2 patch many of the most popular streamers in the game are playing World Of Warcraft V creating record-breaking numbers for Square Enix's MMO.

WoW: Burning Crusade Classic Will Offer Extra Rewards To Alliance PvPs

Blizzard is buy WoTLK Gold once more testing similar-faction Battlegrounds to be used in World of Warcraft : Burning Crusade Classic This year, Alliance members will benefit from receiving more rewards than Horde counterparts.