Major announcements for the biggest Blizzard franchises

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Blizzard's announcement about a PTR that will be available for Diablo: Resurrected seems to suggest that further adjustments and updates are in D2R Ladder Items the works. There's no information yet about what date the PTR will launch, but Blizzard confirms that everyone are eligible to take part. The first goal of the PTR will be to fix persistent server and database issues that have plagued the game since its the launch. Following that, Blizzard writes that they will "share more information about Ladder rank play, as well as additional new features coming into Diablo: Resurrected."

Patch 2.3 is currently scheduled to be released in the first week of December. Also in Diablo news, Diablo IV, which didn't have a release date and is now scheduled to release longer than we had hoped for. The news comes amidst the ongoing aftermath of various cases and investigations into alleged discrimination and sexual harassment on the part of Activision Blizzard.

Since there is no BlizzCon (or BlizzConline) this year, players of games like World of Warcraft, Diablo, and Diablo have been wondering when brand new announcements about the future of each game will be announced. According to Blizzard director Mike Ybarra, updates on the future of these franchises will be happening "over the next few weeks."

Ybarra's announcement is in type of tweet. It's an answer to a fan comment on the recent news that Blizzard is hiring for an survival game set in a new universe. A user tweeted that Blizzard might want to "throw some manpower" at some of Blizzard's previous games in response, and Ybarra responded with this:

Blizzard is a large studio, and we have experienced and growing teams to support live games, too. Over the next few weeks, you'll hear more about this from Warcraft and Diablo. Diablo will be following. Keep an eye out!

Major announcements for the biggest Blizzard franchises like World of Warcraft and Diablo typically take place at BlizzCon which usually happens in November. The current COVID-19 epidemic has thrown a wrench into this system. Blizzard moved to an online BlizzCon in February 2021. And had planned an identical online event in February 2022. BlizzCon 2022 was later canceled amid ongoing controversy over numerous sexual harassment and Buy D2R Ladder Items discrimination cases and investigations that involved Activision Blizzard.

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