While it is true that the time people spend watching

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The Streaming Report Shows Huge Viewership Increases for Twitch and Facebook A report by livestreaming software company StreamElements and WoTLK Gold streaming analytics firm Arsenal.gg indicates that even when cities opened following lockdowns caused by the coronavirus outbreak, the number of viewers was far above last year for the same time period. In July 2020. the two platforms Twitch as well as Facebook Gaming saw significant increases over July 2019.

Twitch has grown from 851 million hour to 1.4 billion year-over-year, a 67% rise. Facebook saw a smaller increase in the raw numbers but more growth, increasing from 109 million to 345 million. As the report notes, it was all due to Mixer going down in the wake of high-profile streamers who had cut deals with Microsoft either moving over to Twitch or migrating to Facebook.

Meanwhile, in month-over-month figures from June to July certain of the most popular games showed a slight decline in their viewership. These include League of Legends, Fortnite, World of Warcraft, and World of Warcraft, among others. Some games have seen an increase in the number of viewers however: Valorant Minecraft, as well as World of Warcraft . Minecraft had the biggest growth, with a staggering 37% change compared to the other games only growing by single-digits.

"While it is true that the time people spend watching livestreams has fluctuated over the last few months when cities are opening up and people move out of their homes, the business is still hundreds of millions of hours of time that are not even in Q1" said CEO Doron Nir, during the press conference. "This is not a small accomplishment and is a testament to the strength and the momentum of the medium when it comes to attracting viewers and streamers alike."

The release date for Blizzard's forthcoming World of Warcraft expansion, Legion The date has been leaked online just a day before BlizzCon starts. The date was spotted online , in buy WoTLK Gold a photo posted at the Battle.net website. The website states "Expected game release on or before September 21. 2016."