We do not have an Emissary in the Army

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RD: There are...numbers engaged ...[laughs[. We brainstormed WoTLK Gold a bunch of ideas for what they could be. Of course, some of these ideas went totally off the rails because that's what I like to do. It's actually determined slightly randomly, but it's rent-controlled randomness. Therefore, you won't get the same buff every time, but it's drawn from this range of different buffs you could get for each building, and then it cycles around and makes sure that it doesn't hit the same one every time.

This is something you are actively involved in. What is it that you can control with the app companion?

TD: Correct. You're actually making contributions to the cause, you and all the players in your area. Also, not only would it be interesting to observe what individual players choose which areas to give their money to but what they can get their Guilds to contribute to and their whole region to support when they join. It is possible that we are facing a situation in which, at launch, we'll have Europe particularly focused on the Nether Disruptor while North America is really focused on the Command C, and it is going to be fascinating to see how this will play out.

RD: One of the key reasons is that we do not have an Emissary in the Army of the Legionfall, that's the new faction that you're helping found cheap WoTLK Gold. As you're experiencing the content out in Broken Shore and Broken Isles and you're getting these resources from them, you'll use those resources as a contribution to the building. Each time you contribute towards the structure, you get the cache. So instead of doing an Emissary that specifically states, "Do four World Quests," this is, "Go explore the content, go have fun, come back, give your time to contribute to the building and here's your immediate reward," In addition to the more long-term reward, which is getting that thing built.