In Madden NFL 23 the only way to advance in MUT is by completing field passes

These days, it can be nerve-wracking to jump into any card-collecting mode in a sports-themed video game for the first time

These days, it can be nerve-wracking to jump into any card-collecting mode in a sports-themed video game for the first time. Even so, even the most experienced players of card-collecting modes may find buy mut coins Ultimate Team's multiple currencies, field passes, and player upgrades to be too much to handle at first. The never-ending desire to collect all of the best cards so that you can have a powerful team as soon as possible will lead many players down the dangerous path of spending a significant amount of real money on packs of cards. There are still a lot of different ways to earn rewards and put together a respectable team, even for players who would rather not spend any money other than the mode's associated virtual currency.

In how to buy MUT coins NFL 23, the only way to advance in MUT is by completing field passes, which were added to the mode specifically for this season. At any given time, there are multiple field passes to grind, and there are also a variety of ways in which you can use experience to unlock those rewards. Here are some pointers about which goals and modes you might want to concentrate on when you are just starting out in MUT so that you can quickly improve your team and get a leg up on the competition.

What's in the Presents?What's in the Presents?

Field Passes

As was just mentioned, the one and only way that you will be able to advance levels within MUT is by gaining XP within those various field passes, so it is in your best interest to become familiar with how they operate as soon as possible. After you have gained the necessary amount of experience points to advance to the next level, you will be eligible to receive a level reward, which will typically be different for each level. Additionally, the higher you progress through those levels, the more valuable they will, in most cases, become to you.

There were actually four different field passes available up until very recently, one of which was a main season one that required you to acquire XP through the completion of various tasks. There are currently only two field passes that you can complete: a naturally occurring Zero Chill one (which has effectively replaced the season pass), and a competitive one that resets every two weeks (for online play, solo battles, and house rules games). However, since a new Zero Chill program has just begun, there are currently only two field passes that you can complete. After going through each of these, you will have a better idea of what is required from each of them individually in order to obtain all of the rewards that are currently available to you.

Let's now discuss some of the better ways that you'll be able to collect those field pass rewards in the most time-effective manner.


The goals for each day


  1. If you want to get the most out of your time spent playing MUT, the first thing you should probably do each day is finish all of your daily objectives

  2. This is because you can earn Zero Chill XP both for completing each objective on its own and for completing all of them at the same time

  3. This will require you to do just three things: purchase a pack from the store (the daily Gold+ card for 500 coins is a nice affordable option), complete a set (converting some lower golds into a better gold is usually doable with cards already in your collection), and record 200 offensive yards (which can be done in any mode)

You will receive 1,000 Zero Chill XP for completing each of these, and once you have finished all of the daily objectives, you will receive 5,000 XP in addition to a MUTmas calendar key that can be combined with other keys to unlock a surprise reward. During the previous season, there was also a daily tracker that rewarded you with additional XP for completing your daily objectives on a greater number of days throughout the season. Even though this isn't included in the Zero Chill program at the moment, that doesn't mean that it won't be included in other programs at some point in the future.


There's a good chance that you'll notice that one of the requirements for completing the objectives of a field pass is to amass a certain number of statistical benchmarks, sometimes while including players from the actual program in your starting lineup. The best way to fulfill these requirements is to begin by completing the many challenges that are a part of the current program (such as Welcome to Zero Chill, Snowball Fight!, and The Frozen Forge) that can be finished without exerting too much effort for the most part. This is the ideal way to fulfill these requirements. You will not only make progress on your statistics whenever you make a field pass, but you will also receive rewards for completing these challenges, such as coins, packs, and players, if you accumulate stars. These rewards can be earned by completing the challenges. As if all of that weren't enough to pique your interest, a field pass will typically include certain objectives that will require you to earn a predetermined quantity of those stars while competing in challenges.