Mariano Arruda, better known as SquishyMuffinz

Mariano Arruda, better known as SquishyMuffinz

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The sold-out crowd in attendance and hundreds of thousands of people watching online and on TV witnessed comebacks, nail biters, blowouts, heartbreak and elation from the dozens of games that took place on the main stage. The weekend was a celebration of “Rocket League” and the competition that comes with it.

The 16 teams that qualified for the Grand Finals were a mix of fan favorites and newcomers. Mariano Arruda, better known as SquishyMuffinz, and his Cloud9 duo, formerly known as the Muffin Men, were early favorites to take home the trophy based on their recent win at Dreamhack Atlanta, but it wouldn't be an easy road for them based on the level of competition in attendance.

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