The Classic format features classic battles such as Molten Core

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WoW Classic WoTLK Classic Gold aims to be an authentic recreation of the original Vanilla World of Warcraft , as of the 1.12 patch. This brings the game up to date as of August 22. 2006. which is the day before the Burning Crusade expansion.

The Classic format features classic battles such as Molten Core and Onyxia, the classic talent structure, and the world as it was at that point in the game's life span. It sports the original game's combat mechanics, character models and skill trees. The game will not include some useful features, like the raid searcher. The studio has also issued a "Not a Bug" list to ensure that certain games that were flagged as bugged by players actually work in the way they were intended to.

However, the game hasn't been completely unchangeable. Blizzard determined that the game should match the original WoW, but it did make a few minor quality-of-life modifications.

"Anything that could affect gameplay we want to make sure that what we offer real," WoW Classic lead engineer Brian Birmingham told P2Pah. "Where we feel like quality-of-life changes are acceptable is liketapping buy WOW WoTLK Classic Gold to create an email address in-game. That's not a core aspect of leveling up and the questing process, or trying to discover your world."