The most effective weapons as well as other general news and updates are included in the New World: Complete Guide and W

The New World has been revived. After a long year of content updates and improvements to quality of life, the game is finally getting its first major content expansion in the form of Brimstone Sands, which will be released sometime in the near future, either toward the end of September or

The New World has been revived. After a long year of content updates and improvements to quality of life, the game is finally getting its first major content expansion in the form of Brimstone Sands, which will be released sometime in the near future, either toward the end of September or at the beginning of October.

This comprehensive guide and walkthrough covers New World in its entirety. We have just recently updated a good portion of these guides so that they are applicable in 2022 (a lot has changed), and we are still hard at work on bringing you the most recent guides for everything you require as a returning player.

The expansion to Brimstone Sands is Now Active! Here is a breakdown of the patch notes:

The new zone, Brimstone Sands, is now available to play in New World! The update adds a completely new and improved beginning experience, a new zone for players level 60 and above (the actual Brimstone Sands), a new weapon called the Great Sword, and a massive number of other adjustments and modifications. The following are some of the most important takeaways from the patch notes.

The Ennead Expedition is the name of the new expedition that comes with the new zone. This topic is going to be covered in an upcoming guide, so stay tuned for that.

New quests for beginning players -The newly redesigned early leveling experience is now available to players in advance of the launch of the fresh start servers on November 2. In addition, there have been significant adjustments made to the amount of experience that must be gained in order to level up. It is now much, much easier to level up throughout the process, with significant percentage reductions for level 45+ requirements (including a reduction of 160% in the amount of experience needed to reach level 60!).

Great Sword -It's massive, it packs a punch, and its name is the Great Sword. This is a powerful and adaptable weapon that can be utilized in conjunction with a wide range of other weapons, such as the Sword, the Bow, or the Warhammer.

Detonate, Grasping Vines, Stoneform, Cannon Blast, and Dark Ascent are the five new Ultimate abilities introduced in New World. Heartgems are used to acquire these abilities.

Hundreds of bug fixes and balance adjustments have been made to quests and quality of life, most notably in expeditions and the Mutator system. The scoring system for Mutators has also been altered; you will now receive a greater quantity of Umbral Shards at lower levels, chests will now appear at the end of the game, and gatherables will now contribute to your overall score. The fact that certain ranks are now more difficult to achieve should hopefully be balanced out by this.

Bears are not as powerful as they once were. Anyone who has played New World is aware that these troublesome creatures essentially served the role of mini-bosses in the game at one point. As a solitary player, you should have an easier time taking them down now. A lot of other changes have been made to the AI's damage, behavior, and other aspects, but it seems that most of these changes have been made to make the game easier for players who are playing alone.

Changes made to the Rapier's stats. Over the course of the last few months, there have been a significant number of meta Rapier builds, and these nerfs have had a significant negative impact on those builds. Allegro and Breathe will now only activate after dodging an attack (a significant change), and Riposte has been subjected to a number of balance changes that reduce its effectiveness.

A large number of the game's perks have also been reduced in power; for example, the Keenly and Empowering Explosive Arrow perks will no longer be retained when switching weapons. This is also a significant shift in the status quo. Additionally, Shirking Energy has been nerfed so that it now only provides 15 stamina rather than 20, has a cooldown of 6 seconds, and has a smaller stamina range.

The Gear Score system has been adjusted so that it is now balanced in Outpost Rush. This means that if you enter the game with a Gear Score that is lower than 600, it will be increased to 600 for all players across the board. The perks and various other boosts have not changed in any way.

The tax rates have been standardized across all of the regions. The rate of return for Housing is 1%, the rate of return for Crafting is 0.5%, the rate of return for Refining is 0.5%, and the rate of return for Trade is 2.5%.

There are a huge number of additional alterations and adjustments for you to investigate on your own; the patch notes cover an extremely broad range of topics. Therefore, if you are interested in reading the rest of the article, you should go to the official website to get more information.

FAQs about the New World

This guide will walk you through everything you need to know before entering New World for the first time or returning to the game after an absence.


Is It A Good Idea To Buy New World In 2022?


  • Over the course of the past year, we have kept up with New World, and a great deal of progress has been made

  • The game has been updated with a large number of quality-of-life changes, such as significantly lower costs for fast travel, and storage improvements that are so much better than they used to be

  • Additionally, the game now includes new content in the form of expeditions

  • Additionally, the Gypsum and Expertise systems have contributed to a significant improvement in the end-game gear grind

  • It's the perfect time to go back and play the game again

Does Playing New World Require A Monthly Subscription Fee?

To play New World, a subscription is not required in any way, shape, or form. To own the game and have access to all of its features, you will only need to make a single purchase.

Which consoles does New World support, Xbox or PlayStation?

There is currently no version of New World for either the Xbox or the PlayStation.

Is New World a game that focuses on survival?

Although not technically true, the game does feature a very robust crafting system that is very similar to those found in large open-world survival games. PvP is a primary focus of the MMORPG known as New World. You can live without eating, sleeping, or drinking anything at all.

Is New World a game with a fully explorable world?

Yes. The world of Aeternum, in which New World takes place, is an enormous one. At this time, the only ways to explore it are on foot or by using a fast moving vehicle.

Do you have to pay for your classes at New World?

There are no classes in New World. It features a leveling system that does not distinguish between classes; instead, one gains weapon mastery and attributes by making use of specific weapons, such as the Fire Staff or the Hatchet. Even though these are not restricted, you are still able to build your own classes, such as a healer or a player versus player build. You can spec and re-spec your character by spending some of the currency found within the game.

Does New World support the concept of microtransactions?

Even though everything in the shop is purely cosmetic, there are, indeed, microtransactions available in New World. At least, for the time being. There were rumors that there would be paid boosts to the game, but the developers have addressed these concerns by stating that the microtransactions will only be cosmetic in nature. Citation neededWhen it comes to accuracy, only time will tell.

Mounts Have Been Verified!

Mounts will definitely be available in New World. During the most recent development stream, the team commented on this and confirmed it. At this point, we have no further information, but we do know that they are very early on in the design phase.

When? Soon! Will There Be Fresh-Start Servers!

That is all the information that we have at this time, but we anticipate that the fresh start servers will become available in October, either simultaneously with or just before the patch for Brimstone Sands.

Endgame Raids

It is true that the difficulty of endgame PvE will be increased significantly in order to compensate for the fact that the vast majority of endgame gear is regarded as being better suited for PvP. This entails raids with 10–20 players.

More Solo Content

There will be an increase in the amount of content that can be enjoyed by lone players in addition to the forthcoming raids. It would appear that there is a region in Brimstone Sands that serves as an illustration of this.