While Class Change is definitely the highlight of Diablo Immortal

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While Class Change is definitely the highlight of Diablo Immortal's next update there are new events and rewards also coming D2R ladder items. New reward tracks called"the Hero's Journey is being added and will reward players with a variety of items as they face challenges that increase in difficulty as they reach more Paragon levels. There are a variety of new items that are legendary for each class too, with an emphasis on the new abilities that cause damage over time.

The new event, called"the Adventurer's Path, will have players who complete tasks that earn them gold, dust that has been enchanted and scrap materials. They will also receive a special portrait frame that is awarded after completing 16 tasks. They will also receive an eminent crest for taking on 20 challenges. The event will run between July 20 and August 30. Also, The Hungering Moon, Diablo Immortal's first limited-time event is also returning from July 29-31.

Last but not least is that a new boss in the raid is coming to Helliquary. Gorgothra the Claimer will join the ranks on August 2. although Blizzard has not disclosed the requirements Combat Rating players will need to have accomplished before they can take on the new boss.

Diablo Immortal, which is free to play, received a lot of criticism when it first launched in June for its various microtransactions and "pay-to-win" famous gem system. However, it was said to have earned more than $50 million in its first month. Blizzard has not yet addressed issues with how it is monetized.

With Blizzard chief Mike Ybarra instead defending the game's monetization strategy in a recent interview. In the midst of backlash against Diablo Immortal, Blizzard has made clear that, although Diablo IV will have an in-game microtransactions shop cheap d2r items, it is for only optional cosmetics and that there will be no means to pay real money for game-specific power.

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