There's no evidence that it's being

There's no evidence that it's being widely used in PvE currently, however. D2R Ladder's PvE leaderboards seem to be intact, though, hilariously it could be that normal players have enough money to be ahead of the curve of cheaters.

The cheating Necromancer wasn't D2R Items just discovered within Widijo's battles, also. Another person shared a screenshot on Reddit showing Burn cheating in their PvP match, too. But, even though this player, Burn, has shown they've found a way to make money in D2R Ladder. if others are using the same method, the evidence hasn't been shared within the community just at this point.

Another unanswered question is whether the cheat being used by the Necromancer is a viable option for PvE. It's certain to be beneficial in PvE, as shown by the speed with which the Necromancer eliminated the Guardian Spirit.

There's no evidence that it's being widely used in PvE currently, however. D2R Ladder's PvE leaderboards seem to be intact, though, hilariously it could be that normal players have enough money to be ahead of the curve of cheaters.

It's still too early to decide how widespread cheating and exploits are in Diablo D2R Ladder. Blizzard may have an aggressive response to cheaters, however this Necromancer being able to go through multiple games without a penalty illustrates the need for work to be completed. If cheating goes excessively, it could become a bigger problem than D2R Ladder's monetization.

Auto Navigation is a crucial feature of D2R Ladder. While it's possible for players to win without using it, players will surely spend times lost and taking poor routes without it. In light of the volume of activities and objectives that are buy diablo II resurrected items part of the daily routine the wasted time could result in hours of wasted time every week.