New World BEST PVP Reward Track Farm Locations, Make Coin!!, Earn Umbrals

We have been studying all this, because We am completely focused on my main work and ignore this point. So when We have no pressure to do all kinds of new content, This is a good time. Take some time to go back and do some of these things, otherwise We will be too busy to do them. This is

We want to talk about the PVP reward track. One of the things is the PVP reward track. 


We have been studying all this, because We am completely focused on my main work and ignore this point. So when We have no pressure to do all kinds of new content, This is a good time. Take some time to go back and do some of these things, otherwise We will be too busy to do them. This is the glimmer of hope of The Times. When there is no new shiny thing to get or complete, it gives me some time to go back and focus on those things that We don't usually do. 


So let's talk about how and where We work. Maybe this will give you some ideas that We have been asking, So the first is, of course, the great split that knows. Although it is not as good as before, it is still one of the fastest ways to polish the PVP reward track. The good thing here is that if you choose not to go on an expedition or have any plans, you can grind these track farming things, such as strange wood, iron wood thick skin and magnet. This run is a good way to spend several hours in the game. This time, we ran very fast and generated about 1000 PVP in five minutes to reward track XP. Now, the disadvantages of this run are obviously well known, so you may encounter some PVP, which is another benefit for some people. 


But if you are a relatively new low gear 60 and just want to cool and grind some tracks to achieve potential gear upgrading, this can be a disadvantage. Commander Oz's next place We like to do here is Rick water, which is a little different now, You only want to perform tasks to penetrate and show your strength, so you only perform two tasks every time, but don't think it will take away this place. Wet really doesn't need you to run 700 meters and then return. Wet is very simple and fast. You can produce about 700 to 900 XP every five minutes. Yes, it is smaller than the big split leg. But We found that occasionally changing the scenery is a good change. 


In the same place, every time We run, there will be another benefit. We will water again at Weronwood Azoth Farm, and seize some small supply boxes, so as to have a chance to wriggle the Vines foreign ER. What are your requirements for the last place We like to run? This is a broken mountain, running fast and safe. When you run, you rarely meet anyone who is usually doing the same thing as you. So what you want to do here is accept the PVP task, and then run back. 


When it rises, catch Star Wars, and then jump to the bottom of the cliff, you will see four or five steel fiber fish fry catch these fish fry, and then wait in the water. Crouch now lets you drown yourself, What you want to do is reset the temple here. Now you have saved half of your running time. You can stand at the control point to show your strength, or you can seize the asset after the timer is finished, then hand the asset to the drop location, then jump onto the rock, and then skip over, walk from the top of the mini boss to the wall. Now just put it down and hold the crate, and then book it down, Thank you for running back along this side now, which can let you pass faster, but also can avoid most of the player traffic that may kill you, let you lose the whole race, then simply hand it in and repeat this run. This is very fast. 


There are a lot of wire fibers and Star Wars nodes for you to move forward along it. If you really have the chance to run again and again now, after several runs, you will soon understand why We like to switch places. Doing these things over and over again will become very boring. You just want to log out. This is strange. Simple things like changing places can really make it new. We also like to have a rest, Wet's also a good way to break the running record. 


Even if you lose, you will get a lot of PVP XP. Wet's still worth doing well. Guys, We hope it can help you and We will try my best The suggestion is that when the new world becomes much quieter, focus on some goals that you tend to shelve. The game will not die. In the future, you will want to have it now. I can tell you that the new world will be a unique MMO. We will always see the population decrease.