Genshin Impact Confirms 3.5 Four-star Banner Characters

Genshin Impact officially reveals which four-star characters can look alongside Cyno and Dehya within the first banner cycle for version 3.5.

Genshin Impact has officially revealed which four-star characters can look at in the first area of the upcoming update 3.5. The recent Special Program event for version 3.5 confirmed the new five-star character Dehya can look in the first banner cycle, and she or he will be joined by the Electro polearm user Cyno.

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Every banner cycle in Genshin Impact also includes a four-star lineup that includes three different characters. Unlike the limited five-star units, they're much easier to acquire as they operate on 10-wish pity that guarantees a four-star drop within 10 wishes.

The live stream event for Genshin Impact updates 3.5 has confirmed that the new four-star character named Mika will join the roster within the upcoming update. However, HoYoverse has confirmed that he is going to be placed within the second area of the update alongside two re-runs for popular five-star characters, Ayaka and Shenhe. According to Genshin Impact's official social networking accounts, the upcoming banner cycle will offer you the following characters:

Dehya - five-star Pyro claymore user

Cyno - five-star Electro polearm user

Bennett - four-star Pyro sword user

Barbara - four-star Hydro catalyst user

Collei - four-star Dendro bow user

Many fans have asserted they will likely skip this banner because the live stream revealed the new five-star character Dehya will join the Standard Banner once update 3.5 ends. This means that it is going to be almost impossible to get all of her constellations following the next update ends. When it comes to her role, the Special Program says she is going to be a new DPS character whose playstyle involves using her Elemental Burst which infuses her Normal Attacks with Pyro damage.

Some comments have stated the four-star character Bennett may be the only character worth pulling for within the next update. Despite having a lesser rarity, Bennet continues to be considered one of, otherwise the best support in Genshin Impact. This was also proven by recent Spiral Abyss usage rate charts by which he always appears to rank within the top 5.

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