Are we likely to encounter more difficult

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Do you have any information about the new raids that are part of the new expansion?In terms of raiding instances are concerned, you'll explore Hellfire Citadel. It's an "winged dungeon"-like Scarlet Monastery. There are the two 5-man "level-up" wings that range from 60-62. There's a fifth five-man level 70 wing that resembles the Dire Maul or a Stratholme with an Onyxia-style raid. We're trying to do more to bridge the two content areas so that everybody can enjoy an experience similar to the Hellfire Citadel experience in their personal space.

There will be some sexy raid zones, such as that of the Black Temple, which is pure endgame quest. We'll be having The Caverns of Time: The Battle for Mount Hyjal, the final game in World of Warcraft where the Night Elves banded together with Jaina and Thrall to take on Archimonde.

We'll also be trying new things using raid instances. We'll be running 10 man raid instances known as Karazhan using the timer for raid saves. This should be a great experience as an endgame experience for those who do not want to go raiding with more than 10. It's only the beginning of the story for those who would like to take in the epic, massive content.

Karazhan is a challenging raid scenario for groups of 10 men.

Are we likely to encounter more difficult five-man scenarios during the expansion?

Karazhan will be the starting point for this. In our current dungeons with five characters the bosses are your reward for being patient for 20-30 minutes of clearing regular creatures. Karazhan is where we're planning to buy WOW WoTLK Classic Gold inform players that you'll need strategies to take on the bosses. It's more extensive than any other Dungeon in WOW at the moment. It's not difficult at first but you'll be feeling like you've earned it when you reach the final level.