Yep been seeing the reports

Yep been seeing the reports Rocket League Items

On Battlegrounds’ subreddit, players have detailed several issues with Event Pass quests that make them difficult to accomplish. For example, it looks like a few quests are only achievable in solos rather than in duos or squads mode, which many players prefer. Others require that players deal a “killing blow” to opponents, the conditions of which seem hyper-specific. Also, it seems, for Battlegrounds to record a player’s achievement, players must play a “complete game,” which the Pass defines as a game in which they survive for five minutes after the plane takes off. Anyone who’s played Battlegrounds at all knows that’s not always a realistic scenario.Bugs can be fixed. And although Battlegrounds’ team didn’t respond to Kotaku’s request for comment, a communications leader said on Reddit that they’re looking into these apparent bugs: “Yep been seeing the reports. Team is working on fixes and retroactive XP granting. It’ll probably be a messy process because it’s our first time doing something like this but we’ll make sure to take care of you guys.”

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