Is Elder Scrolls Online Cross Platform? Answered

The quick solution is no, Elder Scrolls Online is not cross-platform per se

Elder Scrolls Online Gold is usually played over a Windows PC, an Xbox One, or maybe a PlayStation 4, and also PS5 and Xbox Series X|S. However, one question that has a tendency to come up is if the game is cross-platform. Does ESO feature cross-play functionality? We answer below.


Does Elder Scrolls Online Support Cross-Play?

The quick solution is no, Elder Scrolls Online is not cross-platform per se. Each version of the action is outside of the other, and players cannot communicate with each other unless they're playing on a similar console or platform. This means that if you wish to play with friends and family, you simply must make sure that most people are using exactly the same system.

However, using the 2020 release, the action now supports cross-generation play. This means that those playing on the Xbox One can use those on the Xbox Series X|S, and PlayStation 4 players can have fun with those on the PlayStation 5. This is an element for those who need to upgrade to an additional generation but don’t wish to leave their friends behind. This cross-play functionality likewise helps keep the player base active and engaged, which is good for the sport’s longevity.

Will There certainly be a Cross Platform Feature in the Future?

As of the moment, Zenimax Online Studios has neither confirmed nor denied their intentions to make Elder Scrolls Online cross-platform. Players will need to continue expecting an official announcement from the developers. Nonetheless, there’s always a chance that the action will eventually be cross-play, especially since a lot more games are getting to be available on multiple platforms.

In 2022, ZeniMax released a complete expansion pack named the cheap eso gold: High Isle. These new content articles are based around the Systres archipelago, which is situated in the west of Tamriel. The region has not been explorable in almost any Elder Scrolls game before.

Its story focuses using a negotiation attempt with the three warring alliances praying to end the conflict. However, they’re targeted by the Ascendant Order and must be capable of foiling the latter’s plans. The expansion introduced two new zones for exploration, a minigame, a brand new Trial, and a couple of new companions. The game is playable on PC and consoles yet still without cross-platform support.

Cross-platform support can be great for games like Elder Scrolls Online given it would allow players on different consoles to have fun with or against one another. However, it doesn’t appear to be that’s something we’re gonna see soon. For now, we’ll simply have to enjoy the sport on our respective platforms without cross-play. For more on ESO, head over here.

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