With over 68.3K views and 4,600 likes, many people loved seeing the dog attempt to play Rocket League

With over 68.3K views and 4,600 likes, many people loved seeing the dog attempt to play Rocket League

After gearing up, chell decided to see what kind of skills Apollo had. She headed into Free Play and waited to see if her dog could score a goal. What happened next was probably unexpected for many people watching the stream. While Apollo still held the controller in its mouth, the Octane drove at the ball and proceeded to knock it into Rocket League Items the goal. Unsurprisingly, lots of praise followed as chell rewarded the dog with lots of attention.

While the dog probably had some assistance from the streamer in scoring the goal, that did not stop people from liking the clip on Twitter. Since posting Apollo’s goal on social media, many fans and fellow dog lovers have taken notice. With over 68.3K views and 4,600 likes, many people loved seeing the dog attempt to play Rocket League. “I hope you know this made my day,” V1 krissy commented. This was a sentiment doubtlessly held by many other pet owners who watched the video as well.

Surprisingly, this is far from the only gaming clip involving animals that has been posted recently. In addition to this dog playing Rocket League, another gamer had a pair of pet birds that took an interest in gaming. In fact, they liked the wired PS4 controller the player was using so much that they decided to LOLGA.COM  perch on it. It will be interesting to see what other clips connecting animals and video games are shared with the community in the coming days.

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