A Course in Miracles - Completion option

T-16.V.1. When looking at a special relationship, the first thing to realize is that it involves a lot of pain. 2 Anxiety, despair, guilt and attack all enter her, punctuated by periods when they seem to be gone. 3 All this must be understood as it is.

 4 Whatever form they take, they are always an attack on oneself to make the other guilty. 5 I've talked about this before, but there are some aspects of what we're really trying to do that no one has touched on.


T-16.V.2. Simply put, the attempted offense is always directed against God. 2 For the ego would have you see Him and Himself as guilty, a course in miracles leaving the Sonship open to attack and unprotected from it. 3 A special love affair is the ego's main weapon that keeps you in heaven. 4 It doesn't seem like a weapon, but when you consider how you value it and why, you realize what it must be.


T-16.V.3. A special love affair is the most boastful gift of the ego, which most attracts those who do not want to give up guilt. 2 The "dynamics" of the ego are most evident here, as we count on the appeal of this offer, the phantasies that center around it are often quite obvious. 3 Here they are usually considered acceptable and even natural. 4 No one finds it bizarre to love and hate together, and even those who believe that hatred is a sin only feel guilty, but do not correct it. 5 This is the "natural" condition of separation, and those who find that it is not natural at all appear to be unnatural. 6 For this world is the opposite of heaven, it is created as its opposite, and everything here takes a direction exactly opposite to the truth. 7 In heaven, where the meaning of love is known, love is the same as union. 8 Here, where the illusion of love is accepted instead of love, love is seen as separation and exclusion.


T-16.V.4. In a special relationship, born of a hidden desire for a special love from God, the ego's hatred wins. 2 For a special relationship is a renunciation of the Love of God and an effort to secure the exceptionality which He denied. 3 In order to preserve the ego, it is essential that you believe that this peculiarity is not hell, but heaven. 4 The ego would never let you see that separation can only be loss, because that is the only condition in which heaven cannot be.


T-16.V.5. For everyone, heaven is completion. 2 There can be no disagreement about this because both the ego and the Holy Spirit accept it. 3 However, they do not quite agree on what completion is and how it is achieved. 4 The Holy Spirit knows that completion consists first in union and then in extension of union. 5 The consummation of the ego consists in the triumph and in the extension of the "victory" to the final triumph over God. 6 In this he sees the final freedom of the self, because nothing would be left to interfere with the ego. 7 This is her idea of ​​heaven. 8 And therefore union, which is a state in which the ego cannot interfere, must be hell.