You don't need to achieve this level

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So I like to do what I call ride the Viper that is running Viper WoTLK Gold during the steady shot part of our rotation. It's extremely easy to implement and doesn't cause any disruption to our routine because vipers operate off of the global cooldown and creates zero mana to swap into that looks like this

Obviously you don't need to achieve this level at an 80% Mana more like around 15 percent to 20 according to your gear at level 80. Chimera is 4,54 Mana Amed can be 403 and Arcane 252.

That's 1009 mana, a level 80 . And not too far prior to that, I've got 10.4k mana. Therefore, around 15% is an appropriate moment to begin thinking about Viper. This is the best method I've found to make use of Viper. In order to make this easy for anyone who is confused, we don't want to utilize Viper in any way. Going into Viper is an unavoidable DPS loss. If we have RAID buffs, don't have number of AOE or have super long fights, we can go through a lot of fights without ever having to use it.

This only applies an option if we must utilize it. It's a common practice to like to make a big statement about because of some reason. It's really simple. Are you able to buy WoTLK Classic Gold place an Explosive Trap down before the pool? If yes, do so. Are you within the mobs? If yes, then put down explosives. If not, you can start firing and stop.

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