Diablo 4 is my first foray into the series

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I think we can agree the only thing more compelling than a goth kid is a goth kid’s confused parents. They don’t know what they did wrong D2R ladder items. They don’t know if they did something wrong. Whenever parents try to talk to the Necromancer, the wizard of the darkness just slams the door and says they hate them. They slam the door so hard there’s a little cold breeze.

For their part, the Necromancer’s parents are decent people. The Necromancer isn’t lashing out at anything they’re aware of. They’re pretty accepting even when they don’t entirely understand what dark magic is all about. They just want their Necromancer to be happy, which is hard enough in Sanctuary these days. Their abilities would include gently asking the Necromancer how adventuring was today and telling the Necromancer there’s spaghetti in the fridge when they come home late.

Can you imagine? I mean, I know this would never happen, but think about it for a second. It would be fun. I’m talking about the Smash Bros. Pokemon Trainer. Same look. Same style. Nobody in the cursed tundra is going to frown when they see a happy little Squirtle! Busting out an Ivysaur brings a much-needed natural green to the world. And a Charizard can still burn people to death! So at least that’s useful!

Diablo 4 is my first foray into the series, much to the horror of my peers. I’ve never been interested in Diablo, I’ve never gone out of my way to learn more about it, and its elevator pitch does not appeal to me in the slightest. I don’t particularly enjoy combat-heavy games buy d2r items, I don’t care for spending ages working on character builds, and the word ‘grind’ makes me want to run for the hills.