The first one is the hammer of justice

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In terms of rep Paladins do , they are extremely WoTLK Gold bursty damage thanks to seal twisting and random procs from wind-fury totems since they usually run with a shaman, if the RET Paladins team does have the shaman, ensure you're killing that windfury totem scene as the majority of their chills need it to be holy Paladins they heavily rely on casting seeing as all they have is one holy shock. And after that they will need to be healed.

So if you're able go through the tasks listed on the Holy Paladin or select a few tongues as well as slowing down the casting process then you're likely to be able to secure success. For cooldowns there are some cooldowns you need to be looking for. first.

The first one is the hammer of justice.Sometimes , you'll discover that the atomization that spellpower gear undergoes isn't better than attack power gear , especially in the initial few tears of raid that occur in Wrath of Lich King. And with the spell Hance attitude, that's appropriate, regardless of whether you're completely spell-powered with all the spell power off pieces, or you only run a couple of spell power pieces because they're better than buy WoTLK Classic Gold certain attack power pieces you own. It's just an attitude.