It's a unique abilities

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This is an important skill for Paladins especially rats since they'll use WoTLK Gold to teach themselves to kill. It is only 45 seconds in cooldown, they will have to hammer of justices and in between the trinket timer, therefore be mindful of which hogs you trick it as the majority they're tails are tied to not having a trinket and then landing Hodge as the next target is a blessing and protection.

It's a unique abilities since it removes all physical effects from any subject it's tested. This means if you disable someone, the Paladin can instantly pop them, taking away the disarm, since it's a physical ability. This can be achieved using any of the following techniques: in blind Mortal Strike, chimney shot and so on.

Keep in mind though Bob is not a requirement for any dispel. It can even be spell stolen by mage. Divine Shield It's a well-known spell that I'm sure you've heard of and know of. It protects them from harm and can increase their speed of swing by 100% that makes them less able to do damage considerably. This is only obtainable with a master spell WoTLK Classic Gold, such as avenging wrath, or wings. it's often referred to as a powerful power that rats have.